Envirotech Mass Loaded Vinyl is Specifically designed to reduce airborne and impact sound within walls, ceilings, and floors. It is essentially a rubber resilient layer that is installed underneath the final floor, wall or ceiling finish isolating it from the structure of the building. Envirotech Mass Loaded Vinyl is the ultimate noise reduction product for residential and commercial buildings. It is suitable for all finishes including wood, ceramic, granite, stone, and marble tiles. It offers long-term performance without collapse or “bottoming” out under high points loads. It is also Resistant to aging and deformation.
The MLV as an effective sound control option is good news for architects and engineers. Whether you’re a contractor, a sound engineer, or a DIYer, you can easily block sound waves with the help of Envirotech MLV. Mass Loaded vinyl provides amazing noise reduction capabilities and is also safe and easy to use. For a variety of sound problems, this is a cost-effective solution developed by Envirotech.
Tested from:
Soundproofing Walls
Ducts, and pipes
Acoustic Sound Barrier
Soundproofing HVAC Ductwork
Commercial Developments
Leisure Developments
Education Developments
Architectural Projects
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